Manuals, Training Curricula, and Tools
Since our inception, AIHA has worked hand in hand with our partners and international experts to promote the use of scientific evidence in healthcare decision-making.
Below you will find a selection of manuals, curricula, and other tools that have been developed and implemented to improve quality, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of healthcare services at our partner institutions around the globe.
Clinical Practice Guidelines
AIHA worked with members of our primary healthcare partnerships in Eurasia and noted regional and international experts to create manuals and guidelines designed to improve clinical practice at our Primary Healthcare Centers and Family Medicine Centers throughout the region.
Rooted in evidence-based medicine, these clinical pathways helped practitioners ensure appropriate, effective care by utilizing interventions that are based on sound research and optimizing the management of limited resources.
Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Process Manual
- Chest Pain: Clinical Practice Guideline for Primary Health Care Physicians
- Protocol for Diagnosis and Treatment of Peptic Ulcer in Adults
- Bronchial Asthma: Clinical Practice Guideline for General Practitioners
- Cervical Screening: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Primary Care Providers
- Common Diagnoses of Primary Care
Community Leadership Development
AIHA’s Community Leadership Development Program (CLDP), funded by the Open World Leadership Center at the US Library of Congress, operated from 2002-2006. More than 350 healthcare, civic, and political decision-makers from Russia and Uzbekistan participated in the program, which was designed to build health system capacity by introducing delegates to successful community-based initiatives and programs.
Community Leadership Development
Emergency and Disaster Medicine
Working with our partners, noted national and international experts, and other key stakeholders, AIHA developed curricula and training materials designed to teach emergency medical skills and coordination strategies for responding effectively to situations ranging from routine medical cases to disasters involving mass casualties. These materials served as the basis for skills-based courses taught at our network of Emergency Medical Services Training Centers spanning Eurasia.
Emergency and Disaster Medicine
- First Responder EMS Curriculum for Training Centers in Eurasia: Instructor Manual
This curriculum was the result of AIHA’s efforts to address the need expressed by the Emergency Medical Services Training Centers (EMSTCs) for a curriculum more specifically tailored to non-medical personnel, such as police and firefighters, who are often the first ones on the scene of an accident, medical emergency, or disaster.AIHA commissioned partners at Harvard University’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Emergency Medicine Visions International, Inc. to adapt the U.S. Department of Transportation’s First Responder National Standard Curriculum for the CEE/Eurasia region. This curriculum represented the current state of the art for first responder training. The adapted curriculum was been reviewed by emergency and disaster medicine experts from several Eurasian countries. Revised edition. - First Responder EMS Curriculum for Training Centers in Eurasia: Student Manual
This curriculum was the student counterpart of the manual described above.
Tools for Improving Primary Healthcare Services for Women and Youth
With the goal of improving the quality of primary healthcare services targeting women, children, and young adults, AIHA and our partners developed a number of surveys and focus group questions designed to determine risks and needs for these populations as a way to better promote healthy lifestyle choices and develop appropriate, needs-driven interventions.
Primary Healthcare
AIHA staff and partners routinely highlight successful programs at national, regional, and international conferences and symposia. A selection of these presentations is showcased below as PDFs:
- Sustaining and Developing Human Resources for HIV Prevention: Utilizing Volunteers for a National HIV Education Program for Kenyan Youth
(XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 2012) - Assessment of Adherence to HAART: Results of Medical Chart Audits and Anonymous Social Surveys of Patients at the St. Petersburg City AIDS Center
(XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 2012) - The Impact of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) on the Social Adaptation of Drug Users: Results of an Anonymous Survey in Patients at the St. Petersburg City AIDS Center
(XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 2012) - Integration of Social Case Management Model in HIV Care and Treatment in the Russian Federation
(XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, August 2008) - Efficacy of an Interactive Educational Method for Building Tolerance toward PLWH in St. Petersburg, Russia
(XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, August 2008) - Using Twinning Partnerships to Scale Up Integrated Models of HIV/AIDS Treatment, Care, and Support in Target Regions of Russia
(PEPFAR Implementers Meeting, Kampala, June 2008) - Applying a Twinning Methodology to Develop Replicable, Sustainable Models of Integrated Care, Treatment, and Support for PLWHA in Russia
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Developing Human Capacity to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission Of HIV: Adapting WHO/HHS/CDC PMTCT Generic Training Package for Use in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Expanding the Role of Nurses in HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care to Improve Patient Retention: Lessons from Russia’s Orenburg Oblast AIDS Center
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Implementing an Integrated Database System for PMTCT Monitoring in the Russian Federation
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Replicating a Successful PMTCT Model in the Russian Federation
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Strengthening Individual and Institutional Capacity Through Twinning: The Africa Experience
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Strengthening Ukraine’s Ability to Provide Antiretroviral Therapy to PLWHA: The Regional Knowledge Hub’s Strategy to Build Human Resource Capacity for Rapid Scale Up of Treatment
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Telling Stories of Life and HIV/AIDS in Zambia: National Training for Journalists Helps Improve Quality and Scope of Media Coverage
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - Using Broadcast Media to Shine a Spotlight on the Realities of Zambia’s HIV/AIDS Epidemic
(XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August 2006) - An Assessment of HIV/AIDS and the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kazakhstan
(XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, July 2004) - Applying a Twinning Methodology to Successfully Prevent MTCT in Resource-limited Settings in Eurasia
(XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, July 2004) - Implementation of a Case Management System for PMTCT Monitoring and Evaluation in Resource-limited Settings
(XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, July 2004) - Scale-up Strategy for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS in Resource-Limited Settings in Eurasia
(XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, July 2004) - The Odessa +PMTCT+ Model: A Replicable Reorganization of the Healthcare Delivery System for the Effective Preventionof HIV
(XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, July 2004) - The Effectiveness of Combination ART Prophylaxis Regimens for Preventing MTCT of HIV in Resource-limited Settings in Eurasia
(XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, July 2004)