41 million
Lives are lost each year due to NCDs – 74% of all deaths globally
4.9 million
Children under the age of 5 who died in 2022 – 13,400 each day
39.9 million
People worldwide are living with HIV at the end of 2024
10 million
Projected global shortfall of trained health workers by 2030
These statistics from the World Health Organization are a wake-up call for us all.
The numbers are alarming as they stand, but it’s important to remember that each one represents someone’s child, parent, sibling, friend, or neighbor. It’s equally important to recognize that in today’s hyper-connected world, a public health threat in one part of the world can all too quickly become a public health threat everywhere in the world.
Our Partnership Model
What is Twinning?
Voluntarism is at the heart of our partnership model. It’s what makes AIHA’s technical assistance programs so cost-effective, often leveraging an in-kind match that can double the funding level for a project. Our partnership model recognizes that communities must develop a strong sense of ownership to achieve successful, sustainable outcomes.
Don’t let the term “volunteer” fool you
Our Partners Are Rock Stars!
AIHA volunteers who are part of an institutional twinning partnership are seasoned health and allied care professionals, many with 30+ years of hands-on experience and practical knowledge to share with their peers in the developing world. They are eager to collaborate with their overseas partners to develop practical, sustainable solutions to public health challenges.