Program Evaluations and Closeout Reports

This section is a clearinghouse of evaluations and final reports containing descriptions of AIHA’s partnership programs, cross-partnership initiatives, and other health systems strengthening projects.
Each report provides a detailed overview of key partners and stakeholders, goals and objectives, outcomes and impact, challenges and lessons learned, and other useful information highlighting our capacity building efforts since 1992.
Program Evaluation Reports
External Evaluations of AIHA Programs
- AIHA HIV/AIDS Twinning Center Program Evaluation (2013)
- Evaluation of AIHA’s Primary Healthcare Partnerships in the Newly Independent States (1998-2006)
- USAID/Terra P Group, Inc. Primary Healthcare Brief
- USAID/RTI Evaluation Report of AIHA Partnerships in Central and Eastern Europe
- USAID Assessment of the AIHA Program in Azerbaijan (2003)
- USAID Assessment of the AIHA Program in Central Asia (2001)
- Continuing Evaluation Panel (CEP) Mid-term Evaluation (2001)
- Evaluation of AIHA Activities in Slovak Republic (1999)
- Evaluation of the AIHA Partnership Program (1998)
Assessments of AIHA Cross-partnership or Regional Programs
- Neonatal Resuscitation Program – Monitoring Clinical Outcomes (2004)
A second round of data on the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) in the New Independent States.
- Assessment of Women’s Wellness Centers (2003)
The assessment examines WWC accomplishments based on a survey of Center staff and determines the consistency of core services and clinical practices provided at the WWCs.
- Assessment of International Nursing Leadership Institute (2003)
The assessment evaluates the success of the INLI program from the perspective of its 47 nurse participants.
- Assessment of Infection Control Training Centers (2003)
Phone survey conducted with the IC specialists from Caucasus,CAR, Russia and West NIS to assess training impact on hospital infection control practices.
- Assessment of Basic Healthcare Management Training (2003)
Results of a self-assessment questionnaire completed by 54 participants in basic healthcare management workshops conducted by AIHA.
- Assessment of WHONET Laboratories (2003)
Phone survey conducted with representatives of 18 laboratories established by AIHA in Eurasia.
- Neonatal Resuscitation Program – Assessment of Training Centers in Russia (2002)
The assessment of Neonatal Resuscitation Training Centers in Russia was the second part of a targeted, external assessment of AIHA’s neonatal resuscitation program.
- Assessment of Nursing Resource Centers (2003)
An assessment of the 24 NRC sites in 14 countries of the NIS and CEE conducted during a three-month period.
- Assessment of Women’s Wellness Centers (2001)
This assessment of 10 WWCs was completed in September 2001 by a team from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Assessment of the Learning Resource Center Project (2001)
An evaluation based on a series of site visits conducted at selected LRCs by a former consultant with the Information Technology for Development program in USAID’s Europe and Eurasia Bureau.
- Neonatal Resuscitation Program – Assessment of Training Centers in Ukraine (2001)
First of two external assessments of AIHA’s neonatal resuscitation program. The assessment included site visits to four hospitals in the L’viv region and two in the Kyiv region.
- Evaluation of Emergency Medical Services Training Centers (2000)
A team of graduate students from New York University visited three EMS Training Centers — one each in WNIS, Russia, and Central Asia — and interviewed EMS and AIHA staff, USAID representatives, local, and national health officials.
- “Making Women’s Wellness Sustainable” — Women’s Wellness Centers Evaluation (2000)
A team of graduate students from New York University visited three WWCs in Ukraine, Russia and Uzbekistan. The evaluation included a qualitative assessment of the sustainability of the WWC model.
Individual Partnership Assessments
- Self-assessment of Partnerships (1998)
Consultants developed tools and guided partners in a year-long self-assessment effort. Objectives were to evaluate the impact of AIHA partnerships and draw conclusions and lessons learned, while building capacity among partners in the NIS and CEE to effectively monitor and manage their own programs.
Country or Region-specific Closeout Reports
Country or Region-specific Closeouts
- Health Partnerships Program in Russia: 1998-2008 (January 2009)
- Health Partnerships Program in the Caucasus: 1998-2008 (December 2008)
- Region-wide Health Partnership Program in the New Independent States: 1998-2008 (December 2008)
- Health Partnerships Program in Central Asia: 1998-2006 (December 2006)
- Health Partnerships Program in Central and Eastern Europe: 1994-2006 (September 2006)
- Health Partnerships Program in Armenia: 1998-2004 (July 2005)
- Health Partnerships Program in the West NIS: 1998-2004 (July 2005)
Project Closeouts
- Technical Assistance Support for the Strengthening of Blood Transfusion Services in Selected Countries under PEPFAR (June 2018)
- Partnership to Improve the Health of Women and Children in Kosovo (July 2013)
- Strategic Health Partnership Initiative 2010-2012 (March 2013)
- Evaluation of Integration of Medication-assisted Treatment for Injection Drug Users into HIV Medical Care in Leningrad Oblast, Russia (December 2012)
- Strategic Health Partnership Initiative 2007-2010 (January 2011)
- Capacity Building to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Ukraine Project (December 2008)
- Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Moldova Project: 2003-2007 (October 2007)