EurasiaHealth AIDS Knowledge Network

Operational from 2004 through 2012, AIHA’s EurasiaHealth AIDS Knowledge Network (EAKN) was a central clearinghouse of evidence-based Russian language guidelines and other resources for health professionals working in HIV/AIDS care in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

EAKN’s expansive online catalog included hundreds of documents and resources that were translated into Russian and other regional languages, including many HIV/AIDS treatment guidelines from WHO and U.S. agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, and the National Institutes of Health, as well as other leading international organizations.

To facilitate knowledge exchange, cooperation, and networking among HIV/AIDS experts, organizations, and patients, EAKN’s website offered information on regional projects, funding opportunities, and conferences. Interactive discussion forums and an HIV/AIDS Community Network linked scientists, community activists, government officials, and other experts working on HIV-related projects in Eurasia.

AIHA partnered with the Internet project to provide Russian-speaking medical professionals with timely, comprehensive Russian language summaries of clinical study reports published in top international medical journals. AIHA also worked closely with other organizations active in the region to identify new resources for translation and dissemination, as well as to avoid duplication of effort.

Many national, regional, and international leaders in HIV/AIDS medicine collaborated to ensure rational use of limited funds. These efforts led to the creation of a core document library that included textbooks, guidelines, and other research widely recognized as the preeminent evidence-based reference material on HIV/AIDS treatment, care, and prevention currently available.

Key examples included:

  • Textbook of Pediatric HIV Care;
  • The Pocket Guide to Adult HIV/AIDS Treatment 2007;
  • 2007 Medical Management of HIV Infection; and
  • The WHO/HHS/CDC PMTCT Generic Training Package.

EAKN housed electronic versions of more than 700 documents related to HIV/AIDS pathology, treatment, and support available electronically. More than 3,700 downloads of these resources were logged every year the project was active. AIHA also provided many key texts and other materials free of charge on CD-ROMs, which were distributed at HIV/AIDS workshops, conferences, and other events throughout the region.

EAKN epitomized AIHA’s ongoing commitment to helping improve the quality of healthcare services available to people in Eurasia by expanding practitioner access to the latest evidence-based clinical research and materials.