Archived Press Releases
2017 New Board
Washington, DC, April 6, 2017 – The American International Health Alliance (AIHA) is pleased to announce the appointment of five new members of our Board of Directors, while at the same time recognizing the dedication and commitment of three long-standing members...
Quality Management Key Focus of Blood Safety Project in Ukraine
Washington, DC, and Kyiv, Ukraine, February 3, 2017 – The Ukrainian Ministry of Health recently recognized a team of local quality managers and laboratory specialists as national trainers, empowering them to provide training and mentoring in quality management...
AIHA’s Tanzania Nursing Initiative Featured in Frontline Health Worker Coalition Blog
Washington, DC, March 23, 2017 – AIHA is thrilled to have one of the many successes of our Tanzania Nursing Initiative (TNI) featured in the Frontline Health Worker Coalition blog [link:...
South Africa’s Pharmacy Technicians Featured in Frontline Health Worker Coalition Blog
Washington, DC, January 19, 2017 – Mid-level health workers are in high demand, yet short supply as South Africa works to meet its rapidly increasing needs for health and allied care professionals. Pharmacy services are no exception, which makes pharmacists - and...
AIHA Seeks Applicants to Support a Biomedical Technology Partnership in Ethiopia
Washington, DC, January 15, 2017 – AIHA has issued a Request for Proposals to support Phase 2 of an ongoing volunteer-based twinning partnership designed to strengthen the capacity of three Ethiopian academic institutions: the Jimma Institute of Technology (JIT) at...